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Jigsaw Solution Method


The Jigsaw Solutions Method is a set of eight principles designed to help you resonate with your business, career, and life visions. Visioning is an important step to achieving your goals.

Everyone has experienced resonance whether they realized it or not. Perhaps you desired something so strongly that through focus of mind you attained it. This experience with resonance literally becomes a dream come true.

The Jigsaw Solutions Method provides tools, strategies and perspectives that help you consciously create this strong resonance to realize the manifestation of your visions. If you have not had the success you desire through other attraction-type manifesting processes, you may find the Jigsaw Solutions Method to be – pardon the pun – the missing piece.

Eight to Resonate

The Eight Principles of the Jigsaw Solutions Method will help you achieve your desired success faster and with greater ease and joy.

8 to Resonate:

  1.     Investigate
  2.     Create
  3.     Generate
  4.     Motivate
  5.     Obliterate
  6.     Emulate
  7.     Innovate
  8.     Relate